Hommage à Etienne Oehmichen à Montbéliard

Hommage à Etienne Oehmichen à Montbéliard

  Bonjour à toutes et à tous. Une journée festive a eu lieu sur l’aérodrome de Montbéliard-Courcelles le samedi 28 septembre 2024, en hommage à l’oeuvre aéronautique exceptionnelle d’Etienne Oehmichen : le tout premier vol libre en hélicoptère le 15 janvier 1921, le premier record mondial enregistré par la Fédération Aéronautique Internationale pour un hélicoptère le 14 avril 1924, et le premier kilomètre en circuit fermé en hélicoptère le 4 mai suivant. Sans parler de ses inventions, dont certaines ont marqué durablement le développement des aéronefs à...
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Editorial – Special FTL regulation project

Editorial – Special FTL regulation project

EDITORIAL Draft regulation of flight time limitation Bonjour à tous The confirmation of the registration in the EPAS of the regulatory task RMT 0494 (For those how read French, see last week’s UFH newsletter), has sparked several types of reactions, between operators who are rebelling against the resumption of a project From which they had believed to be rid, of the media which wondered why the topic worried the sector, and the administration executives who did not seem to...
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Editorial -Some reflections for Season Greeting 2024

Editorial -Some reflections for Season Greeting 2024

 UFH – EDITORIAL Bonjour à tous The last publication of the year is traditionally an opportunity for the UFH to present its best wishes to all the recipients of its publications. If we have chosen to illustrate the change of year with photos of meetings between the Paris heliport and its neighborhood, it is because the end of the year 2024 will coincide with fundamental deadlines for its future. Long besieged by opponents whose motivations have evolved because it...
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Editorial -Theoratical managment of air safety induces Administrative constraints. Nov 14 2023

Editorial -Theoratical managment of air safety induces Administrative constraints. Nov 14 2023

SNEH / UFH – EDITORIAL Theoretical management of air safety leads to administrative burden increase and disconnection between regulatory and the real live. Dear colleagues, At the time of air safety assessments, we can wonder about the interaction between compliance and air safety management. Compliance today absorbs a lot of resources and energy, due to the regulatory surge to cope with ever more restrictive regulations, not always in line with the activities of companies and often poorly adapted to...
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Editorial – Administrative constraints and their consequences. Oct 25 2023

Editorial – Administrative constraints and their consequences. Oct 25 2023

Dear colleagues, Locked in a system, habits and certainties, it is sometimes healthy to sit down to think and analyze. Today I offer you a reflection on the ever-increasing regulatory production of EASA and at an ever-increasing pace. If the EASA safety mission is a goal and a concern shared by the aviation sector and members of the helicopter industry, it is the means implemented to enhance it that can be of concern. Is the uninterrupted flow of rulemaking,...
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Rencontre des industriels Français par le président de la HAI

Rencontre des industriels Français par le président de la HAI

A l’issue du meeting l’Hélico de Cholet, Jim Viola et Jeff Smith, président et vice-président chargé de l’aviation générale de l’HAI, Christian Mueller et Thierry Couderc , président et vice-président de l’EHA, ainsi que David Solar, directeur de la division Aviation Générale et vol vertical de l’EASA se sont rendus à Marignane ou ils ont été reçu Bruno Even puis à Bordes ou ils ont été accueillis par Franck Saudo. Ils ont ainsi visité les sites d’Airbus Helicopter, de...
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